Tucker Hockey

Tucker Hockey is a Year-Round Hockey School teaching ages 5 to 65 over the past 20 years.

Does your organization have other locations?


How many employees does your organization employ?

2 Full Time and 20 Part Time.

What type of positions do you offer?

Part Time, Seasonal.

What are some entry level career opportunities that your organization offers?

On-Ice Instructors, Marketing Consultant.

What is your hiring process / How can one apply?

Resumes are sent in and from those we choose who to call that is the most qualified. Email is preferred - programs@tuckerhockey.com

What do you look for in employees?

Self-motivated, a passion for hockey, teachable, flexible time to work, own vehicle.

What type of education/training/equipment do you require?

For On-Ice instructors we'd need a history of playing hockey, preferably NCAAP level, but it's not required. Working with kids is an asset.

How old does someone have to be to work for your company?


How much will employees get paid?

It depends on their level of hockey training, some will be paid more because of experience, others less for the same reason. We also have a Commission based Marketing position that pays differently as well.

How would someone find out about opportunities at your company?

We have our opportunities listed on our website www.tuckerhockey.com.