Public Outreach specializes in face to face fundraising to recruit monthly donors to support amazing charities
Does your organization have other locations?
Yes, we have a lot of locations located throughout Western Canada: Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Victoria.
How many employees does your organization employ?
Public Outreach has many offices across Canada and each location varies. For example, Calgary office currently has 15 employees. It depends on the city size and season. For instance, during the Summer, the office size is bigger as we have many students working on seasonal contracts.
What type of positions do you offer?
We offer full time and part time all year round. And we also offer seasonal during the summer.
What are some entry level career opportunities that your organization offers?
Trained Fundraisers: Face to face fundraising either on the streets, door to door, or indoor locations (ex: malls).
What is your hiring process / How can one apply?
- Apply online
- Phone interview
- Face to face interview
- Training
- 5 Evaluation days
Apply at or at
What do you look for in employees?
Positive attitude, excellent communication skills, responsibility, and willingness to step out of one's comfort zone. Has an interest in Social Justice, Humanitarian work, and has Community involvement.
What type of education/training/equipment do you require?
Previous customer service and/or sales experience preferred. Previous fundraising and involvement with community is extremely beneficial (but not required).
How old does someone have to be to work for your company?
Applicants must be between 18 - 65 years of age.
How much will employees get paid?
MALL & STREET TEAM: Training week wage: $10.50/hr. Hired Staff Wage: $14/hr
DOOR2DOOR TEAM: Training week wage: $12/hr. Hired Staff Wage: $17/hr
How would someone find out about opportunities at your company?
Online (Kijiji and Public Outreach websites), and word of mouth from our already employed canvassers.
Please list any diversity initiatives that your organization is currently involved in.
Public Outreach works in support of a diverse and equal world. We welcome all diverse people into our team as well as we approach all diverse potential donors.